Best Tips For Your Next Grand Canyon Vacation

So you are finally going on that long-awaited and much worked-for vacation. You’ve chosen your destination. The Grand Canyon, no less – the icon of the American landscape.

But finding the perfect destination is one thing. Choosing a vacation package that goes with your destination is a completely separate and different thing. In this article, we give you some tips on how to choose the right Grand Canyon package to make your vacation even more perfect.

Tip #1: Remember your limits.

This is a general rule of thumb. Always keep in mind that children and adults are a lot alike in that they both tire easily. Hiking is great, and nowhere else can you go on a better hiking trip than up the Grand Canyon.

However, don’t expect your eight-year-old child to enjoy three days of nothing but trudging along the South or North rim. The view is going to be beautiful, but you know how children are.

Or don’t take your elementary-age child on a whitewater rafting trip. Instead, why not take one of those Grand Canyon vacation packages that include a few nights camping out and then spend the rest of your vacation time in the comfort of a nearby hotel.

Tip #2: Don’t forget to have fun.

The purpose of going on vacation is to relax and have fun. So “fun” should always be in your agenda. Splurge on a Grand Canyon vacation package that includes a luxury helicopter tour down the rim or go mule-riding at the famous Phantom Ranch, whatever swings.

If you are traveling with your family, have some consideration for others’ definition of fun. Get a Grand Canyon vacation package that has everything for everyone – activities for kids, thrilling adventures for the adults, and splendiferous relaxation for the oldies. At the root of it all: find a reasonable balance between what you want and what others want when you choose your Grand Canyon vacation package.

Tip #3: Watch out for the weather.

The Grand Canyon is often very crowded in the summer. With good reason. The Grand Canyon is magnificent under the glaring heat of the summer sun. But watch out for the heat, though. It really burns.
You might think that it’s the mountains, it shouldn’t be that hot. That is the single biggest mistake you make thinking that way. Compensate by bringing extra water and sunscreen (don’t forget that).

Or if you don’t like the inconvenience of having to drag along extra water canteens, then book a Grand Canyon vacation package during the cooler months. Most camping grounds in the Grand Canyon are open year-round and you can book your reservations early. Moreover, there are lesser crowds hogging the spectacular views from you.